CS-Foundation (Company Secretary) Android App includes
* Mock Test Series with Explanatory Answers for CS-Foundation exam.
* Faq's and Articles to prepare better for CS-Foundation exam.
* Latest Notifications for upcoming CS-Foundation exams and results.
* Daily update of Current affair questions.
Students journey to build career require a road map. If we explore further then we come to know that they need language enhancement and information about various career opportunities in first go. Once they take decision related to their career then they need Current Affairs to update themselves. General knowledge i.e. GK is required in almost all the government job oriented exams like Banking, SSC, CSAT, RRB, Railway etc. as well as in few higher education entrance exams like CLAT, CMAT, IIT-JEE, NEET, GATE, CA-CPT, CS Foundation etc.
Most of the students also want to know about educational institutes in India offering higher education. Few students want to go out of the country to pursue higher education. For that they need detailed information about admission process in different countries. Career Lift mobile app helps the students in this journey from the beginning to the end.
We have mapped Career Options in detail in Hindi as well as English medium. Every option covers introduction, personality traits, exam info, institute info with web address, opportunities after doing course related to a particular career. We also help students through our career desk in the app. Students can ask career related questions, which are answered by our trained counselors.
Knowledge zone has got sections like Learn English, Current Affairs, GK, Vocabulary, GD-PI, Commerce Terminologies.
We update current affairs section every day so that students keep themselves updated on day to day basis. We provide this section in Hindi as well as English medium.
We also have GD-PI section having articles related to group discussion and personal interview.
In this section we provide detailed information about education system, admission process (UG & PG) and qualifying exams like GRE, GMAT, SAT, IELTS, TOEFL etc for countries like India, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, UAE, New Zealand and Singapore.
Few prominent exams we cover are CS Foundation, CA-CPT, CBSE 11th Commerce, CBSE 12th Commerce Vocab. etc. In this section we provide them FAQ, Articles and notification related to every exam along with mock tests.
If students want to collaborate with other students preparing for the same exam then we provide them discussion forum which works like whatsapp and facebook.
CS-Stiftung (Company Secretary) Android App enthält
* Mock Test-Serie mit erläuternden Antworten für CS-Foundation-Prüfung.
* FAQ und Artikel für CS-Foundation-Prüfung besser vorzubereiten.
* Neueste Benachrichtigungen zu den kommenden CS-Foundation Prüfungen und Ergebnisse.
* Tägliche Aktualisierung der aktuellen Affäre Fragen.
Studenten Reise Karriere bauen erfordern eine Straßenkarte. Wenn wir weiter zu erforschen, dann kommen wir zu wissen, dass sie die Sprache Verbesserung und Informationen über die verschiedenen Karrieremöglichkeiten in der ersten gehen müssen. Sobald sie Entscheidung in die berufliche Laufbahn nehmen, dann müssen sie Aktuelle Angelegenheiten selbst zu aktualisieren. Allgemeinwissen dh GK ist in fast allen der Regierung Job orientierte Prüfungen wie Banken, SSC, CSAT, RRB, Eisenbahn usw. sowie in einigen Hochschulaufnahmeprüfungen wie CLAT, CMAT, IIT-JEE, NEET, GATE, CA- erforderlich CPT, CS-Stiftung usw.
Die meisten Studenten wollen auch über Bildungseinrichtungen in Indien und bietet höhere Bildung zu kennen. Nur wenige Studenten wollen aus dem Land zu gehen, zu höherer Bildung zu verfolgen. Dafür benötigen sie detaillierte Informationen über Aufnahmeverfahren in verschiedenen Ländern. Karriere Aufzug mobile app die Schüler auf dieser Reise vom Anfang bis zum Ende hilft.